Search results for ‘onTap()’

Code Overrides

With code overrides, you can make layers on the canvas interactive, animate them, have them react to user gestures, and let them share data. Applying an override to a layer Editing override files What are you ‘overriding’? HOC versus legacy overrides A closer look at a legacy override Importing another file An override is a […]

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Animation > Example Animations

17. Page: Indicators

open in CodeSandbox (You can also tap the indicators to directly go to a page.) Code component We use React’s useState() hook to keep track of the current page. Pro tip: When using the <Page> component in a React project (like in the CodeSandbox above), set the box-sizing of all elements to border-box. Like this, […]

Animation > Example Animations

9. Cycling through states

Here, an onTap() event and Framer’s useCycle() hook are used to cycle between two visual states. open in CodeSandbox Code component Code override

Smart Code Components > iOS Segmented Control

B – Selected Index

First, our component needs the most basic functionality: We should at least be able to select a segment by tapping it. Let’s make this thing interactive. The index stateTap handler functionDisplaying the selected segmentThe index state I added an index state variable (and a setIndex() function to change it) with an initial value of 0: export default […]

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Smart Code Components

Simple But Smart

Let’s take a simple code component and smarten it up to clearly see which code changes are needed. Version A: Made green by a prop Version B: Greenness is a state What is changed? Version C: The prop updates the state What is changed? Version D: The state is shared What is changed? Event handler […]

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Smart Code Components

Sharing State

An outspoken kid The code overrides Event handler property control More moods Isn’t useCycle() better?   Social components, those that share their state, are often UI controls. A social input field, one that shares the entered text, can be used to display that text somewhere else on the screen. A social slider, which shares its current […]

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Smart Code Components

Props Versus State

A component can have only props or only state, but also both. So what’s the difference between them? What are props? What is state? Props are like a library book; state is like your diary Where to save the state? The useState() hook Example: Car Props State Animation Example: Kid State Props Thy prop shalt […]

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Code Overrides

Sharing Data Between Overrides

With the useState() hook, we gave our override its own state. Framer’s CreateStore function also provides a state, but one that you can share between overrides. Local state versus shared state Local state: in the override Shared state: use CreateStore Communicating between overrides How to use CreateStore Import it Create a store Call useStore() inside […]

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The useAnimationControls() Hook

📘 The Framer book – 💫 G: useCycle() | H: useAnimationControls() | I: Keyframes open in Framer  Basic use Stopping an animation Return after drag A sequence of animations A sequence with pauses and repositioning Inserting a pause Repositioning Same sequence, multiple elements Sharing an AnimationControls object between overrides A sequence animating separate elements Overrides […]

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The useState() Hook

📘 The Framer book – 💫 D: Variants | E: useState() | F: Animate Presence open in Framer  Basic use More states Using the current state in calculations Example 1 Example 2 – Code component version Example 2 – CodeSandbox version Example 2 – Code override version Multiple properties Using useState() purely for… state First […]

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